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One Student, one personal device. The Key to promote digital transformation in learning
We're on a mission to provide every student in the UK with access to 1:1 digital learning
Following the announcement by the Scottish Parliament to procure 700,000 devices by September 2022 for state school students to make the transition to 1 to 1 digital learning.
We are informing schools in England & Wales of the Microsoft initiative that can help them provide 1:1 Digital Learning to every student.
85% of head teachers believe that technology can improve outcomes. Therefore, we are working hard to remove barriers for schools and we believe this new approach finally makes 1:1 learning achievable for every school.
There is little or no cost to the school!
View the PowerPoint gallery below for further details or download the full version
Alternatively, contact our 1:1 Education Team on 0141 212 8947
or email
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